
Mongolia Mining Expo 2024 - Australia Pavilion

9-11 October 2024 - Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

About the event

The Mongolia Mining Exhibition is the country’s top mining & resources event and now in its 13th year. The Expo has been central to successful market entry and expansion strategies for many Australian METS firms. Attracting senior executives, mine superintendents, procurement managers, technical staff and potential partners, Mongolia Mining Expo is seen as the gathering for the Mongolian mining industry.

Austrade Ulaanbaatar coordinated the 2023 Australian National Pavilion to showcase Australian METS capabilities. Participating companies confirmed that participation in the Australia Pavilion provided strong visibility and opportunities for their products or services.  


Why you should participate

Important Information

Date: 9-11 October 2024

Location: Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

Format: Exhibition

Who should participate?

Australian businesses in:



Your participation options

Package table

Options Total cost Direct costs Austrade service fee
Option 1
Single Booth

A$4000 includes:

  • 3*3m (9sqm) furnished booth in Australia National branded pavilion
  • Entry in the show’s online and printed catalogue
  • Catering and logistics costs for networking function 
  • 2 tickets to Exhibition Reception and Award Ceremony at Shangri La Hotel or ASEM Villa (TBC) 
  • Advertising & media costs for promoting Australian Pavilion and participants.  


A$600 (2 hours @ A$300 per hour) includes:

  • Project management of national pavilion including liaison with show organisers and assistance with logistics
  • Coordination of Australian exhibitor guide to promote participants’ capabilities
  • Organisation of networking function 
  • Coordination of marketing campaign pre, during and post-show (includes direct marketing to targeted list of potential customers and influencers to generate stand traffic)
  • On site assistance with business matching including basic interpretation services. 
Option 2
Shared Booth
A$3600 A$3000 includes:
  • 1.5x3m (a half the 9sqm standard size booth) furnished booth in Australia National branded pavilion
  • Entry in the show’s online and printed catalogue
  • Catering and logistics costs for networking function 
  • 2 tickets to Exhibition Reception and Award Ceremony at Shangri La Hotel or ASEM Villa (TBC)
  • Advertising & media costs for promoting Australian Pavilion and participants.


A$600 (2 hours @ A$300 per hour) includes:
  • Project management of national pavilion including liaison with show organisers and assistance with logistics
  • Coordination of Australian exhibitor guide to promote participants’ capabilities
  • Organisation of networking function 
  • Coordination of marketing campaign pre, during and post-show (includes direct marketing to targeted list of potential customers and influencers to generate stand traffic)
  • On site assistance with business matching including basic interpretation services.

PAYMENT: Austrade requires payment upfront for all international events. The payment term is 7 days from invoice date and your place is not fully secured until the entire fee is paid. 

  • Non-payment by the applied deadline will result in the forfeit of your reserved place on the event.
  • The direct stand cost and Austrade service fee form part of the total package and you cannot purchase one without the other.  
  • Participating companies are expected to cover all travel, accommodation, incidental costs, and freight costs for any physical collateral. 

Austrade requires payment upfront for all international events. The payment term is 7 days from invoice date and your place is not fully secured until the entire fee is paid.

Please refer to the event for further detail. Non-payment by the applied deadline will result in the forfeit of your reserved place on the event.

You may also be eligible to claim some of your marketing and promotion costs associated with this exhibition through the Export Market Development Grant scheme. For more information visit www.austrade.gov.au/grants or call 13 28 78.

Apply before 23 August, 2024

In order to provide the highest level of service to delegates, places are strictly limited. Apply online to have our country and industry specialists review your application. If your application is successful, we will send you an acceptance letter with our standard terms and conditions and an invoice for the deposit payment. An Event Participation Kit with all the information you need will also be sent to you once your deposit is paid.


Mining Industry in Mongolia

Mongolia is rich in mineral resources and has some of the world’s major mineral deposits including gold, copper, uranium and coal. These substantial natural resources and minerals have underpinned unprecedented economic growth. Mongolia has over 1170 operating mines including world scale projects such as developed by  large copper mines like  Erdenet and  Oyu Tolgoi, Tsagaan Suvarga, Gatsuurt, Tavt, Asgat of gold, Bayangol, Tumurtei, Tumurtei Ovoo, Bargilt of iron ore.

At 2023, the mining sector compounds 27% of GDP, 32% of national budget income, 71.8% of Gross Industrial output, 77% of FDI, 4.6% of workforce and 92% of export earnings.

The types of mines that occur in Mongolia include open cut, underground, riverbank panning and washing. Most mines are medium-sized deposits. There are a small number of large-scale mines that are either Mongolian joint ventures with foreign companies or wholly foreign owned. These mines account for a large proportion of GDP, exports, and employment in Mongolia.

Important information

If you are considering this tradeshow, Austrade recommends that you consult ‘Smartraveller’, the Australian Government's travel advisory service, which is available at www.smartraveller.gov.au. Travel advice is updated regularly on this site. Please note that Austrade will only work with clients that maintain appropriate business ethics and demonstrate a commitment to legal obligations including anti-bribery laws, both in Australia and overseas markets. Review further information on anti-bribery at Bribery of foreign public officials | Austrade.

Key Austrade contacts

If you would like to discuss participating in this trade show, please contact:

Australia Mongolia

Natalie Coleman

Global Engagement Adviser

Austrade Brisbane

T +61 7 3246 7331

E Natalie.Coleman@austrade.gov.au

Solongo Dashdandev

Senior Business Development Manager

Austrade Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

T +97 6 7013 3008
M +97 6 9910 6104

E Solongo.Dashdendev@austrade.gov.au


Mongolia Mining 2024 is organised by: 

Visit Mongolia Mining 2024 (mongolia-mining.mn) for more information about this tradeshow.